Technical Assistance & Training
COG has an excellent reputation for providing unparalleled training and technical assistance. Our staff has a depth and breadth of knowledge and experience unusual for firms of our size, and we are able to offer our clients a personal approach to technical assistance on a wide array of subjects.
On several occasions we have been invited by federal and state agencies to work with cities and towns to address and resolve findings of noncompliance related to Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and other program activities. We develop plans and procedures to correct issues and problems and train local staff to avoid them in the future. As a result, our clients are often allowed to re-access much needed funding.
COG frequently trains members of professional organizations, such as the Massachusetts Association of Planning Directors on subjects such as MGL Chapter 40B, and we have conducted workshops on downtown revitalization on behalf of the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD).